Diabetes Facts

  • A Deadly Disease

    In 2021, over 6.7 million people died of diabetes across the world. This number keeps on rising over years with no sign of slowing down.

    Source: International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

  • Complications

    Diabetes over time leads to complications and even death. The most common complications include: Heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, chronic kidney disease, loss of vision, lower limb amputation, oral health issues, mental health damage and hearing impairment.

    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • 1 in 10

    537 million adults were living with diabetes in 2021 - that is 1 in every 10 adults in the world, and over 90% have Type 2 diabetes. This number is expected to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045 if nothing is done about it.

    Source: International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

Type 2 diabetes is preventable!

Many clinical studies showed that lifestyle changes reduced the incidence of diabetes in persons at high risk. Lundoch, through a revolutionary scientific discovery, developed LDcoder®, the world’s first and only Type 2 diabetes early risk detection tool. LDcoder® is run by AI-driven blood test and detects the very early diabetes risks of an individual up to four years before disease onset. This enables an individual to make the right choice in improving lifestyle and stop diabetes before it strikes!

Know your risk and stop diabetes!

Diabetes facts sources

A Chance to Choose Health.